No update for ages....
Here is a pile of pics to show that I have been stitching. Just that first I was on a long holiday, then working, then on holiday, at some point very lazy, in November found out I'm pregnant, in December that the baby is due already in March and not early summer like I first thought and now I'm already on maternity leave, the baby was due a few days ago but since she doesn't want to come out, I have a max of one more week of time to full time stitch:)
But here are pics:
Long Dogs Bois le Duc is aaalmost finished:)

Then something for my daughter, good night-afgan although the colours are not as in the chart, the frame I got with 1 or 2 € from Carrefour and painted it with the same blue as the babycrib.

then a pinkeep:) My second one, the stitching I had done long time ago but never used it.

then something quick, I had lots of pink linen and I bought some Vikki Clayton silks and wanted to try them. The chart is "Bouncing Annie" by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin from Creative Poppy

Then at some point Yuko at was selling charts that she
didn't need so I bought these two, Just Nans had been on my wish list for a long time

And this I intend to do at some point, it's from the fil en aiguille magazine, little box made into a room, some stitching, some dollhouse furniture, very cute:)

And some fabric I bought from the US, don't know yet what I'll do but as they are mostly quite childish, they obviously are for my daughter:)

This I did for my brother at Christmas (without knowing that he was gonna get a dog a few months later...), it's by All our yesterdays.

This is a free chart from Sof, I did it over the Christmas with the thread and fabric I had as the shops were closed.