Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's been - once again - ages since my last post but here are a few pics of a few of my works. I've finished Mary Queen of Scots and I've managed to do a bit more for Opus II.

I've also done a few Christmas tree ornaments and finally received my order from Stitching bits and bobs, they had a sale several months ago. Some Bent Creek charts, small ones, one Little house Needlework, some thread and a few cheap pieces of linen.

Then it's my birthday on Tuesday!:) This year I'm with one Finnish and one international birthday exchange so I should receive a total of 4 stitching related gifts (and I'm also responsible for sending four to others). And one of them has arrived already! This parcel from Marika in Oulu arrived on Thursday and I've managed NOT to open it yet, I have no idea how:) Two more nights.... the picture in the parcel is a painting by a Finnish artist Albert Edefelt. Thank you!!


Marika said...

Kiva kuulla että on jo perillä !! Huomasin vasta postitettuani etten huomannut laittaa mitään viestiä sisälle. :-( Onneksi olkoon vielä tätäkin kautta näin etukäteen !! Toivottavasti lahja on mieleinen.

Sari (saristitching) said...

Onpa ihana tuo Mary Queen of Scots!